This was the second time she had wanted to suckle me (as she later put it) and I have to admit that I eagerly grabbed the large, buoyant breast and put my mouth to the rapidly swelling nipple, drawing on it vigorously and taking the teat as deep into my mouth as possible.

I heard Maria sigh and once agin realized that despite her domination of me, she was to some extent reciprocally dependent on me for the pleasure that I could give her. I wondered if she ever asked the girls to suck her teats...

I began to ask myself what my friends would think if they could have seen me at that moment. I had no doubt that they would have been horrified and disbelieving. I was wearing a short nightdress and lying across the knees of a large woman similarly clad; my hands were holding onto her right breasts and my mouth was sucking hard on her nipple. As I asked myself how they would react I began to feel embarrassed and almost ashamed as I knew they would look on me with contempt. But I was enjoying the wonderful feel of sucking at her large teat and I pushed from my mind the reactions of my friends, telling myself that if both of us got some satisfaction this way then it was our affair.

I began to feel erotically roused and for the first time I began seriously to think about the idea of some sort of direct sexual relationship with her. I know that I should have suppressed any such notion because everything told me that it was the last thing my aunt wanted; just the opposite she wanted to deny my masculine sexuality and 'feminize' me. The fact that I had been ordered to suck her breasts


didn't mean in any sense that she wanted us to share any kind of sexual pleasure together. She may and probably did enjoy being sucked, just as a woman would enjoy a baby at her breasts, but her main purpose was to get me to accept a babyish role, or, at least, a dependent one as far as she was concerned. If she also got certain pleasure from dominating me and controlling me in such a manner, so much the better for her...

But the immediate physical contact with her wonderful body, her resilent flesh, the feel of the large hemisphere in my hands, and above all the sucking of the nipple induced in me almost uncontrollable sexual desire for her, a desire intensified by the fact that only the thin material of two nightdresses separated her body from mine. As I sucked on her my prick gradually became fully tumescent and iron hard inside my nightdress.

I found the urge to seduce her overpowering.

I struggled with myself, first pushing the idea from my mind. But as the moments went by the desire for her body grew stronger than ever and I sensed that I was beginning to lose the struggle and that in the end I would almost inevitably do something rash and in her eyes probably unforgivable.

She began to urge me to suck her even more vigorously; it was in a voice that betrayed the fact that she was affected by the way I was sucking her and this persuaded me that for once she might break all the rules and treat me